[1]范 涛,王明泉,张俊生,等.基于轻量化 YOLOv4 的轮毂内部缺陷检测算法[J].机械与电子,2023,41(02):3-7.
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基于轻量化 YOLOv4 的轮毂内部缺陷检测算法()




Internal Defect Detection Algorithm of Wheel Hub Based on Lightweight YOLOv4
1001-2257 ( 2023 ) 02-0003-05
范 涛 1 王明泉 1 张俊生 2 曹鹏娟 1 朱榕榕 1
1. 中北大学仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室,山西 太原 030051 ;
2. 太原工业学院电子工程系,山西 太原 030008
FAN Tao1 WANG Mingquan1 ZHANG Junsheng2 CAO Pengjuan1 ZHU Rongrong1
( 1.Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science and Dynamic Measurement of Ministry of Education , North University of China , Taiyuan 030051 , China ; 2.Department of Electronic Engineering , Taiyuan Institute of Technology , Taiyuan 030008 , China )
目标检测 YOLOv4 MobileNetV3 轻量化网络通道注意力机制
target detection YOLOv4 MobileNetV3 lightweight network SE
为解决常规深度学习方法检测轮毂内部缺陷存在模型尺寸大、参数多和精度低等问题,提出一种轻量化 YOLOv4 的轮毂内部缺陷检测算法。该算法采用 MobileNetV3 替换 YOLOv4 的主干特征提取网络,并利用深度可分离卷积模块对 YOLOv4 的 PANet ( path aggregation network )模块中的传统卷积进行了替换。同时,在 PANet 特征加强网络中加入通道注意力机制( SE )模块,提高了轮毂内部缺陷目标的识别精度。测试结果表明,所提算法检测精度为 90.23% ,权值文件为 45.2 MB ,检测速率为 68.38 帧/ s 。相较于常规模型性能有所提升,更适用于轮毂内部缺陷的快速、准确检测。
In order to solve the problems of large model size , many parameters and low accuracy in the detection of internal defects of the wheel hub by the conventional deep learning method , this paper proposes a lightweight YOLOv4 wheel internal defect detection algorithm.The algorithm uses MobileNetV3 to replace the backbone feature extraction network of YOLOv4 , and uses the depthwise separable convolution module to replace the traditional convolution in the PANet( path aggregation network ) module of YOLOv4.At the same time , the channel attention mechanism( squeeze and excitation , SE ) module is added to the PANet feature enhancement network , which improves the recognition accuracy of defective targets inside the hub.After a large amount of data testing , the detection accuracy of the algorithm in this study is 90.23% , the weight file is 45.2 MB , and the detection rate is 68.38 frames per second.Compared with the conventional model , the performance has been improved , and it is more suitable for fast and accurate detection of internal defects of the wheel hub.


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收稿日期: 2022-08-03
基金项目:山西省重点研发计划( 201803D121069 );山西省高等学校科技创新项目( 2020L0624 );山西省信息探测与处理重点实验室基金( ISPT2020 5 )
作者简介:范 涛 ( 1994- ),男,山西朔州人,硕士研究生,研究方向为图像处理;王明泉 ( 1970- ),男,山西朔州人,博士,教授,研究方向为图像处理。
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-03-06