 XIA Shengji,WANG Daobo,LUO Donghai,et al.UAV Standoff Tracking Research Based on Lyapunov Vector Field[J].Machinery & Electronics,2022,(11):61-65.





UAV Standoff Tracking Research Based on Lyapunov Vector Field
1001-2257 ( 2022 ) 11-0061-05
夏生吉王道波罗东海姜 燕
南京航空航天大学,江苏 南京 211106
XIA Shengji WANG Daobo LUO Donghai JIANG Yan
( Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics , Nanjing 211106 , China )
无人机Lyapunov 矢量场速度障碍法障碍物重叠避障
UAV Lyapunov vector field speed obstacle method obstacles overlap obstacle avoidance
针对单架无人机跟踪单一目标问题,提出 Lyapunov 矢量场法和速度障碍法相结合的方法,保证 UAV 在执行跟踪任务时的安全。首先,建立无人机运动模型,通过基于 Lyapunov 矢量场法的航向控制使无人机能够收敛到极限环;其次,利用速度障碍法原理判断无人机与障碍物之间是否存在飞行冲突,推导出避障所需的航向控制量;最后,针对障碍物重叠情况,利用几何关系将重叠区域合并,再求解出航向控制量,完成对重叠威胁区域的避障。仿真结果表明,所提算法在单一障碍物和多障碍物的条件下,都能有效地跟踪目标并实现避障。
Aiming at the problem of a single UAV tracking a single target , a method combining Lyapunov vector field method and velocity obstacle method is proposed to ensure the safety of UAV when performing tracking tasks.Firstly , the UAV motion model is established , and the UAV can converge to the limit cycle through the heading control based on the Lyapunov vector field method ; secondly , the principle of the speed obstacle method is used to determine whether there is a flight conflict between the UAV and the obstacle , and the heading control amount required for obstacle avoidance is derived ; finally , according to the overlapping situation of obstacles , the overlapping areas are merged by using the geometric relation- ship , and then the heading control amount is solved to complete the obstacle avoidance of the overlapping threat area.The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively track the target and avoid obstacles under the condition of a single obstacle and multiple obstacles.


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收稿日期: 2022-05-16
作者简介:夏生吉 ( 1997- ),女,安徽肥西人,硕士研究生,研究方向为导航、制导;王道波 ( 1957- ),男,河北易县人,博士研究生导师,研究方向为无人机系统、精密伺服控制。
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-12-13