[1]冯建超,鲁文其,林军华,等.基于 3-5-3 多项式插补的六轴机器人轨迹优化[J].机械与电子,2023,41(10):75-80.
 FENG Jianchao,LU Wenqi,LIN Junhua,et al.Six-axis Robot Trajectory Optimization Based on 3-5-3 Polynomial Interpolation[J].Machinery & Electronics,2023,41(10):75-80.

基于 3-5-3 多项式插补的六轴机器人轨迹优化()




Six-axis Robot Trajectory Optimization Based on 3-5-3 Polynomial Interpolation
1001-2257 ( 2023 ) 10-0075-06
冯建超1 鲁文其1 林军华2 鲁玉军1 岑国建3
1. 浙江理工大学机械工程学院,浙江杭州 310018 ;
2. 迈得医疗工业设备股份有限公司,浙江 台州 317607 ;
3. 宁波中大力德智能传动股份有限公司,浙江 宁波 315301
FENG Jianchao1 LU Wenqi1 LIN Junhua2 LU Yujun1 CEN Guojian3
( 1.School of Mechanical Engineering , Zhejiang Sci-Tech University , Hangzhou 310018 , China ;
2.Maider Medical Industry Equipment Co. , Ltd. , Taizhou 317607 , China ;
3.Ningbo Zhongda Leader Intelligent Transmission Co. , Ltd. , Ningbo 315301 , China )
multi-axis robots acceleration optimisation polynomial interpolation interpolation points
TP242 ; TP391
为了解决 3 次多项式轨迹规划仅能保证位移和速度保持连续,无法保证加速度保持连续,且各关节加速度轨迹在起始点存在跳变,在末端点均不为 0 ,容易造成关节电机启停抖动的问题,提出了一种基于 3-5-3 多项式插补轨迹规划控制方法。在 3 次多项式轨迹规划的基础上,通过插入 2 个插值点时间 t ,将路径划分为 3 段,根据设置的插值点时间 t 计算得到插值函数的系数 a 和插值函数的表达式。实验结果表明,引入 3-5-3 多项式插值函数后,各关节的加速度运算能够保持连续,各关节加速度轨迹能够保证在起始点和末端点均为 0 且不存在跳变,可以避免启停时产生抖动的问题,保证多轴机器人启停时的稳定性。
In order to solve the problem that the 3 times polynomial trajectory planning can only guarantee the displacement and velocity to keep continuous , but cannot guarantee the acceleration to keep continuous , and the acceleration trajectory of each joint has jumps at the starting point and is not zero at the end point , which is easy to cause the joint motor start / stop jitter , a control method based on 3-5-3 polynomial interpolation trajectory planning is proposed.On the basis of 3 times polynomial trajectory planning , the path is divided into 3 segments by inserting 2 interpolation point times t .The coefficient a of the interpolation function and the expression of the interpolation function are calculated according to the set interpolation point time t .The experimental results show that after the introduction of the 3-5-3 polynomial interpolation function , the acceleration operation of each joint can be maintained continuously , and the acceleration trajectory of each joint can be guaranteed to be zero at the start and end points without jumping , which can avoid the problem of jitter when starting and stopping and ensure the stability of the multi axis robot when starting and stopping.


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收稿日期: 2023-03-04
作者简介:冯建超 ( 1998- ),男,浙江嘉兴人,硕士研究生,研究方向为电机控制及运动控制;鲁文其 ( 1982- ),男,浙江宁波人,博士,副教授,研究方向为电机控制、机电一体化系统设计,通信作者;林军华 ( 1977- ),男,浙江台州人,硕士研究生,研究方向为医疗自动化设备;鲁玉军 ( 1976- ),男,浙江杭州人,博士,教授,研究方向为机电一体化系统的数字化设计、制造及其在智能制造设备中的应用;岑国建 ( 1968- ),男,浙江宁波人,大专,研究方向为微特电机及机器人用精密减速器。
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-10-31