[1]张铭洲,赵 涛,王春霖,等.基于自适应电流预测模型的 LCL 型三电平逆变器并联零序环流抑制策略[J].机械与电子,2023,41(10):8-14.
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基于自适应电流预测模型的 LCL 型三电平逆变器并联零序环流抑制策略()




Parallel Zero-sequence Loop Suppression Strategy for LCL Type Three-level Inverters Based on Adaptive Current Prediction Model
1001-2257 ( 2023 ) 10-0008-07
张铭洲赵 涛王春霖蔡修闻李桂璞
南京工程学院,江苏 南京 211167
ZHANG Mingzhou ZHAO Tao WANG Chunlin CAI Xiuwen LI Guipu
( Nanjing Institute of Technology , Nanjing 211167 , China )
T 型三电平逆变器模型预测控制逆变器并联零序环流抑制自适应
T-type three-level inverter model predictive control inverter parallel connection zero sequence circulating current suppression self adaption
提出了一种基于自适应电流预测模型的零序环流抑制策略,该策略适用于共直流母线的并联运行的三电平逆变器。首先构建了零序环流等效模型,分析证明了并联系统的中点电位差和共模电压差为零序环流激励源;随后提出了一种基于预测模型的零共模电压控制方法,兼顾了中点电位平衡的控制效果并改善了并网电流质量,同时对并联系统之间的零序环流进行了有效抑制;其次设计了一种自适应电流预测模型,提高了在参数失配下并网电流的跟踪性能,减少了误差;最后通过 MATLAB / Simulink 平台搭建仿真模型,验证了所提控制策略的可行性和有效性。
This paper presents a zero-sequence loop suppression strategy based on an adaptive current prediction model , which is suitable for three-level inverters running in parallel on a common DC bus. Firstly , the zero-sequence loop equivalent model is constructed , and the analysis proves that the midpoint potential difference and common-mode voltage difference of the parallel system are zero-sequence loop excitation sources ; then , a zero-common mode voltage control method based on the prediction model is presented , which considers the control effect of the midpoint potential balance and improves the quality of the parallel current , and effectively suppresses the zero-sequence loop between the parallel systems ; secondly , an adaptive current prediction model is designed to improve the tracking performance of grid-con- nected current under parameter mismatch and reduce the error ; finally , a simulation model is built on the platform of MATLAB / Simulink to verify the feasibility and validity of the proposed control strategy.


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收稿日期: 2023-03-09
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目( 62203211 );江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划( SJCX22 _ 1080 )
作者简介:张铭洲 ( 1999- ),男,江苏宜兴人,硕士研究生,研究方向为新能源并网技术及电力电子化电力系统稳定性;赵 涛 ( 1965- ),男,江苏丰县人,博士,教授,研究方向为新能源并网技术及变流装置。
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-10-30